viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

My reflection of the course

Bueno en este curso vimos muchas cosas aprendimos cosas nuevas que no sabia
siento que algunos temas ubieramos tomado un poco mas de tiempo para poder
repasar y practicar 
Bueno con este curso que lleve me fue muy util por que la mayoria de los temas no los habia visto
Bueno me gustaria aprender el ingles y poderlo pronunciar bien ya que me falla mucho la pronunciacion del ingles 
En lo personal quisiera llegar ha hablar el ingles por que es una herramienta muy importante para la vida cotidiana 
Bueno la clase del teacher fue muy entendible tambien fue dinamica y divertida 
ya que anteriormente no me gustaba el ingles por mis anteriores profesores 
Fue un cambio muy brusco ya que mis profesores no daban la clase como mi actual teacher enserio el ingles de preparatoria no es el mismo que el de una universidad 
bueno una de mis metas es aprender el ingles y poder hablarlo bien 

bye xD

esto es todo por el momento esperemos que la segunda unidad sea algo nuevo xD he interesante xD

En la unpa xD

she is wearing black jacket and bracelet 
she is wearing silver dress and bun
she is wearing black and red hat and white necklace 
she is wearing white blouse
Transportation and profession

How do you get to school ?

I ride a motorcycle 

I walk

                Nombres (Familia)

Days of the week ------------------- > Dias de la semana

Monday ---------------------------- > Lunes

Thuesday --------------------- > Martes

Wednesday ---------------------- > Miercoles

Thursday ----------------------- > Jueves

Friday ------------------------- > Viernes

Saturday --------------------- > Sabado

Suday -------------------- > Domingo
What i did on spring break...?

I went to chiapas
I ate at las brasas in coatza
I swam in the river at agua azul
I walked in palenque
I visited the ruins at to nina


jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

what are thee doing?

-i am going to ride a donkey
-i am going to do homework
                           work at traditions
                           sleep(all day)
                           watch television
                               (every day)

i am going to swimm

i am going to watch television

i am going to walk

Be going to +

i am going to swin at the river
i am going to play guitar hero every day
i am going to watch anime
i am going to do homework

    what are you going to do?

       what are you doing?

       what did you do on spring break?

i swan in the river at trailero

what am i doing?

what is the teacher doing?

-he's eating
-he's drinking coffe
-he's watching T.V
-he's sopping
-he's washing
-he's cooking breakfast
-he's riding a bike

what am i doing?
you are writing
you are hiving coffe
you are shopping
you are washing clothes
you're playing soccer/football

playing the piano

Verbos que terminan en ing?

Fishing ------------------ pescar.-----pesca
Living-------------------- mantenimiento
Drinking---------------- beber
 watching-------------- television
playing----------------- jugar
sleeping---------------- dormir
reading a book------- leer un libro
studying english------ estudiar ingles
feeding------------------dar de comer
What are they doing?
  is he                  ing?
  is she                ing?

+ yes,he is
+yes,she is
-no,he's not
-no he isn't
-no she's not
-no,she isnt

Are You__________ing

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011


12:00 pm -----------> twelve o clock
                                 ( twelve )----> midnigt
                                 (twelve)-----> noon

it's elevent teen in the morning ---> am
                           in the afternoon --->pm
                           in the evening ---> pm/am
                           ot nigt

what's the wather like today?

  it's raining                                                                                        it's snowing


    dia lluvioso                                                                                    nieve

      it's windy 


dia con mucho viendo

what's the wather like today?

    it's hot and sunny!                                      

el dia esta soleado y con mucha

         it's cloudy

un cielo despejado

domingo, 24 de abril de 2011


t-shirt                            shirt

playera                     camisa
 jacket                                      tie

chamarra                            corbata

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

De todo

De todo un poco español - ingles
vocabulario de ropa español ingles

Questions ?

where is rafa marquez?
-is from zamora,miachocan

how old is rafa marquez?
-has thiry-two years

how language do es rafa marquez?
-speakes spanish and english

what is the nationality of rafa marquez?
-he is mexican

who likes sport rafa marquez?
-he likes soccer

which was tha first team that played rafa?

in that position plays rafa marquez?
-defense and midfield
Español           Ingles

calor                 heat      
frio                    cold
caluroso            hot
nublado            cloudy
viento                wind
fresco                cool
caliente              hot
nieve                 snow
soleado             sunny
lloviendo          raining
lluvia                rain
gotas                drops
nevar              snowing
Ingles                       Español 
I am cold                 tengo frio
he is cold                 el tiene frio
let me go                 dejame ir
let me see carmen  dejame ver a carmen
let me think             dejame pensar
i let you go               te dejo ir
my house is for sale  mi casa esta en venta
i turn off the t.v       yo apago la t.v
turn off the light      apaga la luz
Ingles     Pronunciacion     Español

sad            sad                      triste
big             big                      grande
small         smal                   pequeño-a
short        shoart                  corto-a
Long          Long                   largo
beautiful    biutiful                bello-a
ugly            ogli                     feo-a

Ordinal numbers - Numeros ordinales

                Ingles         Pronunciacion        español

0st         ordinales         ordinals              ordinales     
1st             Fist                ferst                  primero
2nd          second          sekond                 segundo
3rd            third              zerd                   tercero
4th           fourth            foarz                   cuarto
5th            fifth                fifz                     quinto
6th            sixth               sixz                     sexto
7th           seventh          sevenz                 septimo
8th            eighth             eitz                     octavo
9th            ninth              nainz                   noveno
10th          tenth               tenz                    decimo
     Spanish                 English
     detras                    Behind
     abajo                     Under
     entre                     Between
    enfrente                 in front of
   izquierda                    left
   derecha                      right
     arriba                       top
    al lado                       next
    cerca                        close
     lejos                           far
   dentro                        within
    fuera                         outside
                        pronouns subjects                             
                    (pronombres de sujetos)

      Singular                                     Plural
           I                                              We
          You                                          You
      He,She,Its                                   They
possessive adjectives                           possessive pronouns
(adjetivos posesivos)                            (pronombres posesivos)                      

My our                                                    Mine    ours                                                   

Your Your                                               Yours   Yours

His                                                           His
Her Their                                                Hers    Theirs
Its                                                            Its
Contracciones del to be